Recently, I worked a little bit on this blog1 and thought about how I’m gonna blog when I’m at the re-publica. Installing and configuring all this git(hub) stuff on my laptop is the only way. I can write text on my iPad or iPhone, but I can’t publish from it. Maybe there’s a solution that involves a ‘server’2 and some scripts that detect changes - aka new articles in a folder - that’s synced via dropbox. But that involves some effort. For me, at least.
So I thought:
Well, I used the wordpress software once, that’s pretty huge, but there’s all this easy-blogging tumblr stuff going on, right? All I need is a service sporting an iOS App that I can create drafts with and post from. Should be pretty easy to get a slick, nice-looking text-only blog going.
Boy, was I wrong.
Spaces, hm? Okay, multiple blogs, I get it.
'SLIDESHOW', are you kidding me?
Why sould I post a photo of me? Chat? FOLLOW?
I just can't use a standard theme. But I know so little CSS, it ain't worth 30$/year. Also: WordPress lets you follow people now, too.
Is blogger doing a geocities rememberance thing today? Oh no, they're serious about this design.
To be more specific:
I’m not a web developer, I’m not a designer or programmer of some kind. I’m a law student who likes tech very much and is able to google the html and CSS snippets he needs. But all those ‘easy blogging’ services3 make the option of writing a script and running a server look very… easy.
1. This footnote displays beautifully in Instapaper! And Instapaper now knows my name! These features are brought to you by @talinee. Thx! ↩
2. My desktop machine. ↩
3. There are no ‘blogging’ services anymore, apparently. ↩