Quotes #7

Family Guy S09E06

You know, Stewie, I used to think that John lennon was kind of a jerk for saying The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, but now, I mean, I’m not saying ‘I am’, but I get it.

Animation Duration

There’s one thing about OS X (and iOS) that annoys me. The animations just take too much time.

  • Safari’s ‘Show all Tabs’ gesture
    • pinch to zoom out - all the tabs, nice!
    • swipe - yeah, that’s the tab I want!
    • tap to click - nothing happens!

You have to wait half a second or so before a tap is recognized as a click, which makes that whole tab view unusable for me.

  • ‘Swipe between full-screen apps’ animation duration
    • swipe - oh, desktop incoming, nice!
    • wait - oh, yeah, still moving, so smooth!
    • slamming the mouse at the bottom of the screen to show the dock - oh, the desktop is still moving, so smooth and slowly.

The animation is faster when you swipe really hasty. But swiping so that it’s fast enough is just ridiculous.

Yeah, I use tap to click and hide the dock. Gestures should be usable at high speed anyway. I have the same problem on the iPad: Some of the animations just take so much time. I love the 5 finger pinch to home screen gesture, but I always have to wait for it to end before being able to launch the next app I wanna use.

Watched Recently

  • Stay
    I did like it. But it’s still just ‘psycho stuff’
    Can there be movies like this after Fight Club that don’t leave you feeling cheated on after watching?
  • Rabbit Hole
    Interesting. Well played. Can see where those Oscar Nominations came from
    Really, one scene was the most intensive one I’ve watched in a long time.
  • Enemy of the State
    Yeah, it’s just a Bruckheimer movie after all.
    Will Smith wears a long, dark coat in one scene. He so could’ve been Neo.
    How weird is that last scene? Gene Hackman films his lower legs on the beach and writes“Wish you were here” in the sand?
    The latest NSA reports in mind, it’s clear the agency’s capabilities shown in the movie aren’t overstated.
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall
    Better than I expected, but still not what you call a ‘good movie’. Jason Segel isn’t that good of an actor, but apparently he can write okay.
  • Garden State
    Same as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but better. Not so… ‘blonde’?
    Felt like a Road Movie to me. A fun journey, but I didn’t know what to make of it at the end. Still better than your average chick flick, though.
  • Carnage
    I laughed hard the first time twelve minutes into the film. Christoph Waltz eating pie - hilarious.
    The film definitely has good scenes, and is what I consider ‘a good film’, but it didn’t fascinate, astonish or inspire me, if you catch my drift.

The Sad State of Apple's Home Sharing

(Stuff-Apple-doesn’t-get-right-in-one-picture style inspired by Stephen Hackett)