Markdown Workflow 101

I am new to the Mac, and therefore new to many programs and possibilities a markdown-centric workflow has or can have to it. Good thing it was Brett Terpstra’s Birthday recently. Thanks to Dr. Drang for linking to this post. There’s a ton of stuff that’s given away for free by Brett, but two things stood out to me and were pretty easy to implement in my workflow, too:

To make it short: is the last markdown preview you’ll ever need, or care about. PDF, custom CSS, auto refresh, it’s all in there.

The Markdown Service Tools are nothing but pure gold. ‘Link Selection’ alone totally blows my mind. Note that you might want to tell Lion (and MoLo again) to show your User Library Folder. Update: It’s scary how well ‘Auto-link web search’ works. Recommended.

Belated best wishes, Brett!

P.S.: I’m using Byword for text editing right now, but the things above are totally independent from that choice. That’s the beauty of it. Add TextExpander to the mix, add some clever snippets (hat tip to Mr. Hackett for this one) and see if you can stand the awesomeness.

Update: The Marked Bonus Pack enables you to open the current document in with a nifty shortcut. You want this.